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CQ_FX WIFI is an application that was created to test product reliability by displaying the values recorded on a graph.
The main features of the application are:

Unlike the CQ_FX standard version, the CQ_FX WIFI software provide the management of the test cycles through one ore more mobile devices (read the CQ_FX Mobile software manual).

Setup and Configuration

Installation is available through setup file. It will install also the following Microsoft required components:

Onche the setup is completed, you need to edit the configuration file before to start the application.

Configuration File

The “CQ_FX.exe.config” file, in the same folder of “CQ_FX.exe” binary, can be changed with Notepad or Wordpad.

You can see an example of the configuration file (description of keys is not available, given that this is a technical file):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <add key="COLLAUDO" value="A"></add>
    <!-- Imposta la lingua del collaudo ("it","en") -->
    <add key="LINGUA" value="it"></add>
    <!-- Stringa di connessione al database ("Data Source=#SERVER#;Initial Catalog=#DATABASE#;User ID=sa;Password=#PASSWORD#") -->
    <add key="SQL_SERVER_CONNECTION" value="Data Source=(local)\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=CQ_FX;User ID=sa;Password=marel"></add>
    <!-- Percorso dell'archvio -->
    <add key="PATH_ARCHIVIO" value="..\ARCHIVE"></add>
    <!-- Percorso della directory di lavoro -->
    <add key="PATH_DATI" value="..\data"></add>
    <!-- Percorso della directory delle foto -->
    <add key="PATH_LAVORO" value="..\work"></add>
    <!-- Percorso della directory delle foto -->
    <add key="PATH_FOTO" value="..\IMAGES"></add>
    <!-- Identificazione sistema -->
    <add key="NOME_SISTEMA" value="Laboratorio Debug"></add>
    <add key="NOME_CLIENTE" value="MAREL srl"></add>
    <!-- Impostazioni di comunicazione moduli PM110-->
    <add key="COM_PM110" value="0"></add>
    <!-- Modalità collegamento ingressi PM110: 0=continui, 1=come moduli ADAM, 2=separati per ognli linea-->
    <add key="PM110_INPUTS_MODE" value="2"/>
    <!-- Parametri di comunicazione moduli ADAM-->
    <add key="COM_ADAM5000" value="0"></add>
    <add key="ADAM_BAUDRATE" value="57600"></add>
    <add key="ADAM_CHECKSUM" value="1"></add>
    <!-- Porte di comunicazione moduli di acquisizione delle grandezze elettriche -->
    <add key="COM_C_ENERGETICO" value="0"></add>
    <add key="COM_CBS_4C" value="0"/>
    <add key="CBS_4C_BAUDRATE" value="57600"/>
    <add key="CBS_4C_MAX_INGRESSI" value="3"/>
    <!-- Numero linee (controllo energetico) per seriale di comunicazione (=0 una sola linea seriale)-->
    <add key="N_LINEE_COM_C_ENERGETICO" value="0"></add>
    <!-- Impostazioni PhoenixContact -->
    <add key="PHOENIXCONTACT_ENABLED" value="0"/>
    <add key="PHOENIXCONTACT_UPDATE_TIME" value="200"/>
    <!-- key="PHOENIXCONTACT_CPU_XX" value=",slot" -->
    <add key="PHOENIXCONTACT_CPU_01" value=",20"/>
    <!-- Intervallo di aggiornamento degli ingressi -->
    <add key="TEMPO_ACQUISIZIONE_MINIMO" value="1"></add>
    <!-- Impostazioni di visualizzazione 0,1,2,3,4-->
    <add key="MODO_VISUALIZZAZIONE_LINEA" value="1"></add>
    <add key="POSTAZIONI_RIGA" value="10"></add>
    <!-- Imposta lo stato di VoltageManager_FX ("0","1","2") -->
    <add key="VoltageManager_FX" value="0"></add>
    <!-- Indica se sono attive le verifiche ("0","1") -->
    <add key="VERIFICHE" value="1"/>
    <!-- Contagiri su PM110=0 o PhoenixContact=1 -->
    <add key="REVOLUTION_INPUTS_MODE" value="1"/>
    <!-- Abilita/Disabilita scambio dati su pipe-->
    <add key="PIPE_ENABLED" value="1"/>
    <!-- Abilita/Disabilita condivisione ingressi linea-->
    <add key="LINE_INPUTS_SHARED" value="1"/>
    <!-- Abilita il monitoraggio e imposta gli schermi -->
    <add key="MONITORS" value=""/>
    <!-- Abilita/Disabilita server UDP -->
    <add key="UDP_SERVER_PORT" value="10000"/>
    <!-- IP Server remoto in configurazione monitoragggio -->
    <add key="UDP_SERVER_IP" value=""/>
    <!-- Numero cicli scheda predefinito -->
    <add key="NUMERO_CICLI" value="240"/>
    <!-- Parametri di comunicazione moduli ICPDAS-->
    <add key="COM_ICPDAS" value="0"></add>
    <add key="ICPDAS_BAUDRATE" value="115200"></add>
    <add key="ICPDAS_CHECKSUM" value="1"></add>
    <!-- Richiesta login operatore ("0","1") -->
    <add key="LOGIN_OPERATORE" value="1"></add>
    <!-- scanner.dat -->
    <add key="COM_SCANNER" value="1" />
    <add key="SCANNER_BARCODE_SETTINGS" value="20,1,11,12,9,16"/>
    <add key="IMPORTA_FOGLIO" value="[Foglio1$]"/>
    <add key="IMPORTA_COLONNA_CODICE" value="[Codice Modello]"/>
    <add key="IMPORTA_COLONNA_DESCRIZIONE" value="[Descrizione Modello]"/>

First Start of the Application

Start the application with a double click on “CQ_FX” desktop icon, or selecting the following option from the Windows Start menu:

Start → All applications → Marel → CQ_FX

Once the application is started, you need to configure manually linees and places, as described in the following paragraph.

Testing Area Configuration

Lines and places configuration is saved in SETUP.MDB database. Also if configuration is described in this manual, all features are password protected to avoid changes that can damage program operations.

Lines and Places Configuration

Select Tools → Configure from menu, and insert the password to open the following window:


Lines Configuration

For each line, you need to enter the following information:

To add a line:

To edit a line:

To delete a line and all associated places:

Places Configuration

You can create places after you have created at least one test line.

For each place, you need to enter the following data:

To add a place:

To edit a place:

To remove a place:

To create a new place copying an existing one:

System Calibration

System calibration must take place in the following cases:

However it is suggested to perform periodically a test of acquired measures, and if you have troubles, perform a new calibration.

Select Tools → Calibrate from the menu and insert the password to open the following window:


Calibration consists of setting of offset and gain values to apply to channel reads. Values can be set in automatic way or manually inserted by the user.

Manual calibration of single channel

  1. Select the line;
  2. Select the input type;
  3. Select in the list the channel to calibrate;
  4. In the Manual calibration bottom box insert the offset and gain values, and confirm with Update button.

Automatic calibration procedure

Automatic calibration procedure is available only with a external calibration tool, that is a tool linked to inputs to calibrate can generates currents to simulate different values. To obtain good results, it is suggested to use a certified tool, stabilized in the ambient temperature before to start the calibration.

  1. Link the calibration tool to the inputs to calibrate;
  2. Select the line;
  3. Select the input type;
  4. Enter the two calibration extreme values;
  5. Enable the Standard Dev. option to acquire automatically the value after two readings with a gap less then the planned value;
  6. Select the channels in the list with a mouse double click, or highlight the channels by pressing and holding and after press the Select button. Selected channels are highlighted with a “wrench” icon.
  7. Simulate the first value with the calibration too, and press the Start button and next Enter in the confirm window;
    1. Without the Standard Dev. option enabled, press Confirm to accept the first value;
  8. Wait until the application shows the second message, simulate the second value with the calibration tool and press Enter again;
    1. Without the Standard Dev. option enabled, press Confirm to accept the second value;
  9. Onche the end message is shown, press Enter and after the Save button to save the new calibration into the application database.

Anytime you can press the Cancell button to stop the calibration procedure. To calibrate other channels, repeat the previous procedure from point 6.

Once the calibration is complete, you need to restart the application to enable it.

Closing the Program

Select the File → Quit from the menu bar, or press the following toolbar button, and answer Yes to the next confirm message to close the application.

Tests data will be acquired only if the application is running!

User Interface

At start, the application shows the main screen with menu, toolbar and the synoptic with the lines and the places.

Main Screen

The following image shows the main screen of the application:

The upper panel shows the application title and the three buttons to minimize, maximize and close the application. Next to the upper panel you have the menu bar and the tool bar.

The central panel shows all test lines and places. The layout of lines and places is set in the configuration file.

The bottom panel contains the status bar, which contains some brief information about the application.

In the following paragraphs there is the detailed description of each main screen component.

Menu Bar

All application features are available through the menu bar. You can access to them with the mouse or holding the Alt key and pressing the underlined letter of the desired command.

For each feature, it will be listed which menu to use to open it, based on the following schema:

Menu entry → Submenu entry → …


The toolbar contains a list of buttons to open quickly the most common features:

Tasto Descrizione
Close the application
Operator login
Operator logout
Open the event log
Stop the notification sound
Move to the next place in test cycles display
Move to the previous place in test cycles display
Enable/disable grid layout in test cycles dysplay
Close the test cycles display and open the main screen
Open a test from archive
Create a new test in the current place
Edit data of the current test
Save in the archive all test data and free the place
Delete the current test and free the place
Start an acquisition cycle
Break an acquisition cycle
Close an acquisition cycle
Delete the latest acquired cycle
Open the test cycles display
Print the test card
Print the test report
Print the test Excel report
Print the test Excel report preview
Copy a place
Move a place
Show the inputs values of the place


The status bar shows:

Lines and Places Display

In the central panel there are all configured places, divided by lines. For each place you have:

No cycles
Cycle running
Cycle stopped
Cycle completed
Running verify
Verify result positive
Verify result negative

Select a Place

To select a place, click on the panel with the left mouse button. The selected place is highlighted with a red border.


Select More Places

You can also select more places, if they have same Group. Click on a single place holding the Shift key.


Test Management

To start a new test, you need to enter the data of the product to check, select the card with all cycles to execute and configure the inputs to use to read values.

Inputs configuration is required only in the first test of a place, or if you want change it later.

Anytime you can change test data of the product, or change the test card to use. In the following paragraphs, there is described all the procedure starting from the test creation to the saving in archive in the end.

Start a Test

Select with the right mouse button an empty place and select Place → Load to open the new test window.

To start quickly a test, with a minimum insertion of required data, follow these steps:

This procedure allows to load quickly a product, but you need to have configured the inputs before.

To enter all test data, read the following paragraphs that describe the following information:

Test Data

In the Test box you need to enter all the general information about the test:

In the Product box you have the information about the product in test. You can load them from the archive, and if needed, change them in the box to make changes only for the current product.

Test Card

In this panel you can choose the test card with the cycles sequence to follow in the entire product test. After the card is selected, you can make local changes in the panel (without make changes to the archived one) about cycles and activities.

To load a card from the archive:

Once the card is loaded, all programs and activities will be listed in their lists.

Card Programs

Anytime you can edit the inserted programs in the test card. You can freely add new programs, but you can remove an inserted program only if you havent used it during in a test cycle.

To add a program:

To edit a program:

Card Activities

Anytime you can add activities (like the programs), and you cant remove them if you have test cycles with the activity confirmed.

To add an activity:

To edit an activity:

Test Inputs Configuration

All channels uses to create the graph of acquired values are listes in the Inputs tab. Based on product type, you can have voltage, current, power, temperature, liter counters, revolutions counters, etc… inputs types.

For each input you have the following information:

You can use also the line inputs (this will be described in the following paragraphs), shared between all places, and also the inputs of the other places in the same line.

Edit Inputs Configuration

If you press Edit button, you'll open the window to change the used inputs.

The window will shows the Place Inputs as default view, where you can find all inputs of the place. Used inputs have color and description. If you select Line Inputs, you'll see the shared inputs of the place line (like ambient temperature or humitidy temperature, gas pressure, etc.).

To link a channel:

Before to press Connect button, you can change color and description in the text boxes.

To unlink a channel:

With the selection feature on the bottom left, you can move between places of the line, to use the free inputs of the other places.

Only for the input of the same places (not for the shared inputs), you can load a previously defined configuration in archive.

To load a configuration:

Read the Input Configurations chapter to create one or more configurations.

When you load a configuration, all previous linked input channels are removed.

Edit Test Data

Anytime you can change test data (edit product details, edit programs and activities of the test card). You can also change the sample time and change inputs configuration for the next cycles.

To open the edit panel, click the place with the mouse right button and select Place → Edit in the context menu.

The edit window is the same described in the previous paragraph.

Test Cycles

By the “cycle” term it is identified an interval of acquisition of data that can be associated with the execution of a particular program in the product in test. For all the test duration, you can start, break or close more cycles in a sequential manner.

Start a Cycle

To start a cycle, and together the data acquisition, follow this procedure:

The status icon of the cycle will be green when the cycle start.

Break a Cycle

If you need to repeat the current running cycle, you can break it and start it again.

To break a cycle:

The stopped cycle will be overwritten by the next cycle or you can delete it with the delete function, described in a following paragraph.

The status icon of the place will be yellow.

Close a Cycle

Cycles with a duration different than 0 will be closed in automatic when the duration is reached. Instead, you need to close manually the cycles without a maximum duration.

To close a cycle:

The status icon of the place will be red.

However you can close also cycles with a fixed duration.

Delete a Cycle

To delete a closed or stopped cycle:

Each deletion, the cycles counter is decreased, and you can continue to delete the last cycle.

Test Cycles Display

Once you have selected a place, you can open the test cycles display with one of the following ways:

A new window will shows the list of the cycles and shows the graph for each cycle and its details.

The window contains:

Cycles List

The list contains all executed cycles of the selected place, with a progressive number, the date and the time, and the name of the program.


Probes List

This list contains all probes of the cycle, with the color and the description of each one in the first two columns.

In the next column, you have the value of the latest read. In the column header you have the time of the read. If you enable the bars tool (read the following paragraph), this column is divided in two columns, where you can find the values in the bars positions.


To show/hide a probes in the graph, you can click with the mouse in the checkbox on the left.

Cycle results

This list contains some data of the selected cycle: total duration, Kwh consumption, water consumption in liters. Consumptions are available only if there are appropriate probes.



The graph shows the curves of the acquired data of the input probes. In the upper statusbar there are the ID of the line and the place, and the model string of the product.



In the toolbar you have available all the features of the graph:

Toolbar button Description
Print the graph
Export the data of the graph in a text file
Save the graph as image (jpeg or bitmap)
Force a white background in the saved images
Attach the graph in the cycle report
Show medium values of the cycle
Zoom tool
Bars tool
Event tool
Clear the graph and restore the default view
Delete the inserted bars
Show the values of the inserted bars
Divide the cycle
Move to the previous cycle
Move to the next cycle
Customize the graph settings
Edit the cycle data
Edit the cycle notes
Show all inserted events
Show all attachments
If verifies are enabled, set the positive result
If verifies are enabled, set the negative result

Some of these tools are described in the following paragraphs.

Zoom Tool

Use the following button to enable the zoom tool:

To enlarge a part of the graph, click with the left mouse button on the first point, and hold the button until the second point, then release it.


Bars Tool

Use the following button to enable the bars insertion tool:

You can put two vertical bars on the graph: one with the left button and the other with the right one. In the probes list, the latest column is divided in two columns, one for each bar. The column headers will contain the time of the read in the bar location. The consumptioms are updated with the usage in the period between the two bars.


If you hold the SHIFT button, you can insert a list of bars, creating a list of values. You can print this list.

Event Tool

You can use the following button to enable the event insertion tool:

Click the point in the graph where to insert the new event. In the next window, you can add a description of the event. Press the Confirm button to complete the insertion.

Attachment Tool

You can use the following button to insert the shown graph as attachment of the current cycle:

In the next window you can insert eventual notes. Press Ok to complete the insertion.

You can use the following button to show the list of the existing attachments for the current cycle:

In this window you have all inserted attachments. For each attachment you have the date and the time, and the notes.

Default View Tool

With the following button:

you can restore the graph to the initial default view. This feature is useful to clean the zoom tool or the inserted bars. You can also use the right mouse button to clean the graph.

Bars List Tool

With the following tool:

you can see the acquired values of the inserted bars.

Bars Deletion Tool

You can delete all inserted bars with the following button:

Cicle Divide Tool

You can enable this tool with the following button:

With this tool you can divide the cycle according to the first bar position. All data after the first bar is moved into a new cycle. You can use this tool more times.

Cycle Selection Tool

With the following buttons:

you can select the previous or the next cycle. These buttons are useful when you are viewing more places at the same time.

Graph Options Tool

The following button allow you to change the graph options:

In this window you can change:

Press the Close button to save the changes.

Cycle Data Tool

To read/change the cycle data, press the following button:

In this window you can change the name, the temperature, the notes, and the custom fields of the program. You cant change the duration.

Cycle Notes Tool

Use the following button to use the cycle notes tool:

Press the Confirm button to apply the changes, or Undo to cancel.

Grid View

With the grid button you can enable/disable the view of more places at same time. If you have selected more places of same group, you'll see all places of that group, otherwise you'll see all places of same line. In the grid view, the lists of probes, cycles and results are related to the places with the green sign.

You can move between places with the two buttons Previous and Next of the main toolbar.

You can see the Test Cycles Display with the grid view enabled:

Delete a Test

If you like to free a place, and delete all test data without archive it, you need to delete the place.

To delete a test:

You can't recover deleted test data.

Archive a Test

Saving a test, all test data will be stored in the archive (all cycles, all acquired values, graphs, etc, …). You can open a saved test from the archive when you need to see it; all analysis and print tools will be available for saved tests also.

To save a test:

Test data will be compressed, so this operation can take a while.

Move a Test

You can move a test across places, also on a different line.

To move a test:

Move a test doesnt copy the inputs configuration. Before to start a new cycle, check the new inputs configuration of the destination place.

Tests Archive

In the following paragraphs there are described all features of the tests archive.

Tests Research

To access to tests research, select Archive → Tests from the menu bar, or use the following button of the toolbar.

The following window is the tests archive screen:

From the right panel, you can use the following fields to improve the research:

To find a test in the archive:

View a Test

Once you find the desired test:

The test cycles display will be open, in the same way of an active place. Closing the screen, the test will be closed.

Delete a Test

Once you find the desired test:

Warning: you can't recover a deleted test.

General archive

The database of the program CQ_FX_WiFi has been defined for managing the following typologies of elements:

Product types

All the elements in the archive : testing cards, inputs configurations, products, etc… are grouped for Product Type, therefore the creation is fundamental.

To open the management window select Archive - > Product types from the menù :

The information that characterize each element are :

To add a new product type:

To modify an existing product type:

To delete an existing product type:

Attention: the elimination of a product type can be done only if there aren't cards, products or other elements associated to it.

Product Fields

In the archive window of the product fields is possible to manage the user defined fields grouped by product type to characterize the products. They will be useful for search the products into the archived tests.

To open the management window select Archive → Product fields from the menù:

To add a new personalized field:

To modify an existing personalized field:

To delete an existing personalized field:


In the archive window of the product is possible to manage products grouped by product type. There are some fixed fields that are common to all typologies of products and other that can be personalized in the description.

To open the management window select Archive → Pruducts from the menù.

For each product must be supplied the following informations:

To add a new product:

To modify an existing product:

To delete an existing personalized field:

Assign Customized Product Fields

In the product archive you can also assign for each inserted model, the value of the custom fields.


Please follows these steps:

Program Functions

A function means an option that can be enabled at the start of a cycle associated with a program. For example, it may be defined as the activation of a function key that affects the characteristics of a program, whether it be cooking and washing etc. …

To open the management window select Archive → Functions from the menù.

To add a new function:

To modify an exixting function:

To delete an exixting function:

Program Types

For type program we mean a basic description to associate with more programs of the same type. For example, most programs cooking or washing at different temperatures but with the same characteristics must belong to the same type: grill static cotton, wool etc. … The program types are used in the printing of the report to Excel ® where they will be listed and assigned automatically to a letter of the alphabet to provide a summary report of all cycles.

To open the management window select Archive → Program types from the menù.

To add a new program type:

To modify an exixting program type:

Per modificare un tipo programma:

To delete an exixting program type:


The program is the kind of the cycle choosed at the start of the cycle during the test process.

To open the management window select Archive → Programs from the menù.

For each program must be supplied the following informations:

To add a new program:

To modify a program:

To delete a program:

Manage Program Functions

To functions to the selected program:

Manage Program Verifies

From the program panel it's possible to manage the verifies only if are enabled from the configuration file.

For each verify must be inserted the following informations:

To add a new verify in the selected program:

To modify a verify:

To delete a verify:


In the archive of the activities you can define the tasks to be performed during the cycles of the card test.

To open the management window select Archive → Activities definitions from the menù.

To add a new verify:

To modify an existing activity:

To delete an existing activity:


A test card includes a list of the programs contained in the product under test as well as a list of possible activities that the operator must perform during the start cycle.

It's preferable to assign an appropriate name to each card for an easy search during the start of a new test with a mobile device.

To open the management window select Archive → Cards definitions from the menù.

Each test card includes the following information:

To create a new test card:

To modify an exixting card:

To delete an exixting card;

Programs of the Card into the Archive

In the Programs panel it's possible to modify the programs assigned to a selected card.

To add a new program to the test card:

To remove a program from a test card:

To modify the position of the program in the card sequenze:

Activities of the Cards into the Archive

In the Activities panel it's possible to modify the activities planned into a selected card.

For each activity it's necessary to insert the following informations:

To add a new activity to the test card:

To remove an activity from a test card:

Inputs Definitions

In this archive the operator must insert the most common definitions of inputs to be used later in the configurations inputs, depending on the type of product.

To open the management window select Archive → Inputs definitions from the menù.

For each input definition must be supplied the following informations:

To add a new definition:

To modify an existing definition:

To delete an input definition:

Inputs Configuration

It's possible to create inputs configurations that once loaded into a place speeds the modify of the selected inputs.

To open the management window select Archive → Configurations from the menù.

To create a new configuration:

To modify the name of the configuration:

To delete a configuration:

Inputs Channels Management of the Configuration

To add an input into the configuration:

To remove an existing input:

To manage the inputs definition list press the Open button (please see the previous paragraph).


The operators con only be managed from existing with administrators capabilities operators.

To open the management window select Archive → Operators from the menù.

Once opened the window all existing operators will be visible into the list. To show only one or parts of the archive, use the input text fields to insert search criteria and press Refresh button.

For each operator it's necessary to insert the following informations:

To add a new operator:

To modify an existing operator:

To delete an operator:

An removed operator can't be restored. Also adding a new one with the same code and name 
it will not be the same as before.


The option management panels is reachable selecting File → Options from main menù.

Digital Input Options

The options in this panel will be used only if the sistem is configured to use digital inputs. The operator can:

Print Tools

The application provides various printing features some accessible from the main menu and other from the cycles display window.

Print Test Card

It's possible to print the test card from the main screen using one of the following methods:

The report contain the data of the product in exam and the details of all the programs inserted into the test card.

Print Test Report

It's possible to print the test report of all executed cycles from the main screen using one of the following methods:

The report contain the informations of the product in exam and the details of all executed cycles.

Print Excel Report

It's possible to print the Excel report from the main screen using one of the following methods:

Print Activities Planning

From the main window it's possible to print a planning of the activities (cycles) to do.

After entering the parameters, it will print a forecast cycles and activities to be performed for all stations with active tests. The parameters are:

Print Cycle Report

From the executed cycles window it's possible to print the test report of a selected cycle following this steps:

The report contain the informations of the product in exam and the details of the selected cycles with also the viewed graph.

Place Inputs Values

The window displays the first list with the inputs values ​​of the selected workstation and the second list with the inputs values ​​of the line to which the station belongs.

Sound Notifications

The sound notifications are a function can be used if you have one or more digital inputs. You can enable this feature using the Options window.

When the notify is enabled, it's possible to silence it using one of this mothods:


In the event windows, you can see all the errors that have occurred while running the application.

To open the panel, follows one of these methods:

For each event the software displays the type: error, warning, or information, the date and time at which it occurred and the message. To view the event details use mouse double click.

To clear all events press the Empty button from the toolbar.

Scanner and Handheld Management

CQ_FX_WIFI includes the use of handheld Datalogic Elf ® and scanner Dragon ® through which you can perform the most common functions and routines directly from the test stations.


The connection settings and configuration are stored in CQ_FX.exe.config. The key COM_SCANNER identifies the serial port to which the scanner is connected to the RF base while the numbers in the key SCANNER_BARCODE_SETTINGS identifying respectively:

To enable Elf ® devices management instead it's necessary to configure the listening port in the UDP_SEVER_PORT key. Of course, the settings for bar codes reading are the same of those configured for the scanner Dragon.

In the program there is a function for importing new products from a Excel worksheet that is activated when reading a model number that is not on the archive both with Dragons and Elf player. To use the function it is necessary that the file “Importa.XLS” with the list of models is in the same folder of the application executable and also some keys must be configured as in the following example:

    <add key="IMPORTA_FOGLIO" value="[Foglio1$]"/>
    <add key="IMPORTA_COLONNA_CODICE" value="[Codice Modello]"/>
    <add key="IMPORTA_COLONNA_DESCRIZIONE" value="[Descrizione Modello]"/>

The following paragraph of this chapter describes the features of the Datalogic Dragon ®, for the use of handheld refer to the CQ_FX_Mobile manual.

Operator Login

Due to system configuration, the operator login can be available or not.

You can login into the system reading with the barcode reader your operator card, or entering the three digit code with the scanner buttons. To login from keyboard:



>^  <
←1>  <OK>  <+1>



Operator Logout

If you need to use the scanner with a different operator:



Load a Product

You can load a product in a free place with the scanner.

linea1/1   EMPTY


>I M P O R T <


2/2:(CARD N. 1)


<CAN>  <OK>     

You can skip the production line code pressing <OK> directly.

Start a Cycle

 <YES> 1/2 <NO>

line1/02 CLOSED

←10>  250 <+10>


<NEW S.>
      <OK> <CAN>

Close or Break a Cycle

line1/02 ACTIVE


line1/02 ACTIVE